Goddamn, there are a lot of Asian people in the world. The house was packed at the Closing Night Gala at APAture. Chairs were added, people stood, beer flowed. And it was great to see my Asian bruthas and sistahs in the audience (as well as a handful of white allies—how does it feel to be a minority, how does it feel?!). There were so many people there that I don't think enough folks could see around heads to check out my Ben Sherman shoes, which I perhaps love more than life. They are probably the most expensive thing I own, which makes me sort of feel like I'm walking with diamonds on the soles of my shoes. (Identify the reference, and win a prize, people!)
As you know, I've been going through an intense psychological struggle the last couple months in that I had to give up Bright Eyes concert tickets to perform at the festival's Closing Night Gala. Closing Night Galas are always fun and full of drunk people, which exponentially increases my chances of convincing a straight guy that "a mouth is a mouth, and a hole is a hole." Plus, the APAture audience looked way more clean and groomed than your average Bright Eyes audience, which tends to look like an army of unshowered emo kids.
I will recap the show in startling detail a little later, but just let me say for now that it was one of the most fun audiences I've ever been in. APAture audience, you are definitely better than Bright Eyes. And, unlike a Bright Eyes concert, I didn't want to slit my wrists after the show.
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