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Beach Boys with Chuck Williams having Fun, Fun, Fun, since 1970.

My Cousin, Chuck Williams, BB1, has known the Beach Boys since 1970 and is still friends with them today.

This picture of the Beach Boys was taken in
 Chuck's living room, before a concert at the Santa Barbara Bowl, where Chuck produced concerts with legendary  groups for several years in the early 1970's. Chuck had the perfect background, because he owned every single album The Beach Boys ever recorded.                                                                 

 Chuck with Mike Love, at a concert in Ventura California, August 9th, 2011.  Chuck gives Mike a choice of pens before signing his original Beach Boy 45, of the song, Fun Fun Fun.  Chuck bought the record Feb 15, 1964, on the first day of release.

 Mike signing Fun, Fun, Fun, 1964, remarks,
"Chuck, this is a real Gem in your collection, no ebay for BB1."

          Fun, Fun, Fun - To Chuck BB1, Love Mike Love. Mike remarked, "my name wasn't on this, but it is now."

 Mike and Chuck still can draw the Babe's, even in their 60's.  Mike, turned to Chuck and said, "I think she likes you!"

 Chuck back stage with Mike Love, Bruce Johnston and the drummer from Blondie.

                       Mike Love on Stage singing Fun, Fun, Fun.

                       I wish they all could be California Girls!

                       Kickin it on stage, as Mike rocks out to,
                               Good Vibrations!

 Rock & Rolling with some of Chucks buddies.

Chuck escorts Mike and Bruce to the Stage, telling the bouncer, "please keep the chicks in line," with a straight face. 

Stay tuned tomorrow for some more Beach Boy Lore, from BB1.

Tickets will be available for my Maybelline Story presentation, Sept 7th, and the Beverly Hills Women's Club next week.  The Beverly Hills Women's Club founded in 1916, uses its historic location for the advancement of cultural, social, educational and philanthropic endeavors thus creating community spirit.
click to see pictures of the vintage home/club.