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Busy, Busy, Busy!

Hello, hello, hello...

So I'm not wanting to make excuses for the lack of blog posts but I thought that any readers should at least know why and not think that I'm not sticking to it.

I'm coming up to the end of my second year at university and have recently had a load of work to be doing. One of these bits of coursework has been to create a short film, and this doesn't happen quickly or easily. My friend Hannah and I, as well as another group member, have been working on our short film that we named Trapped, a lot recently and it is slowly coming together. We got all the filming done, captured our footage and as the editor I am nearly finished working together with Hannah to ensure that it all flows well and looks good.

Hopefully when it is all finished, handed in, marked and done with, then I would like to try and maybe get it onto this blog or my YouTube channel (which isn't an interesting one yet, I wouldn't look for it), but obviously I have to get it to the finished state first so for now I shall leave you with some funny photos from editing.

Until next time, thanks for reading :)

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