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Bath & Body Works' Shower Gel, 'Flowering Herbs'

Hi guys,

This month's shower gel was going to be Flowering Herbs...BUT,  after using it, I can't see myself committing to it for a month. Today was my first time trying Flowering Herbs and I absolutely HATED it!! As I used it, the shower gel gave me an instant headache and made me feel nauseous. The scent is a vile, overpowering herbal, wilted-floral fragrance. I disliked this shower gel so much, that I was going to post a negative review on the Bath & Body Works website (something I've never done!). However, it's no longer on the website because it's been discontinued, and I understand why!! It's been a few hours since I took a shower and I still have a headache and feel nauseous. Going to lay down folks...be back in a moment.

What is your least favorite Bath & Body Works scent or any other scent for that matter?

Looking gorgeous one lipstick at a time.

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